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Tarique, BNP leaders laud Yunus, advisers

BNP Acting Chairman Tarique Rahman has congratulated Prof Mohammad Yunus and his advisers on forming the interim government.
“The BNP supports the formation of an elected government with a public mandate, an accountable parliament serving the people, and the restoration of people’s rights and freedoms, thereby establishing the rule of law and good governance,” Tarique stated on his verified Facebook account yesterday.
“With the fall of the regime, the people of Bangladesh now expect the interim government to create an environment where they can vote freely, reflecting their democratic aspirations and enabling fair and credible national elections,” he added.
Meanwhile, BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir hoped that Prof Yunus would be successful in leading the interim government.
“He is chosen by the students and by us. He has been entrusted with this responsibility on behalf of the entire nation. We are confident he will fulfil this duty,” Fakhrul said during his visit to the National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR).
After attending the oath-taking ceremony at Bangabhaban, BNP standing committee member Amir Khasru said, “In the coming days, they [members of the interim government] will fulfill the expectations for which so many have shed their blood. The ownership of the country must be returned to the people.”
